Free Birds

Freebird Community Workshop

A two day seminar designed to equip a leadership team


1. To provide strategies and resources that will enable your leadership team to pick and choose what can best be implemented within your current ministry

2. To provide a “turnkey strategy” that will enable a church to empower their 2nd half of life people to build community, serve others in the church, community and their families and grow in their relationship with Christ.

We believe empowering people in the 2nd half of life requires a different methodology that engaging those who are in the first half of life. This means more of a “bottom up” process versus a “top down” as is implemented in most churches.

The challenge is how to accomplish this in the context of established polity, church culture, with existing leadership.

If church leadership is able and willing to address this challenge the results will launch your church with a level of vitality and fruit bearing that will astound you.


  • $300 per day ($300 x 2 days = $600 total)
  • $1000/year for ongoing coaching on a weekly basis